Terms & Conditions

Please carefully review the Terms & Conditions and Ground Rules provided. The information below outlines the specific terms, conditions, and guidelines relevant to your participation in the Frequency of Love Retreat. Should you have any questions or need clarification before agreeing, please contact Jessi Galvin at hello@jessigalvin.com. It is important you only sign these Terms & Conditions if you are in complete agreement with them.

References in these Terms & Conditions to "Frequency of Love" or to "we", "our" or "us" in each case refers to the Frequency of Love Facilitator Team. References to "I", "you" or "your" are to you, the participant on the Frequency of Love Retreat (which we also refer to as “the retreat”, "the course" and/or "the programme.") These Terms & Conditions are the exclusive basis for the contract between you and us. No other terms or conditions (whenever and however communicated), nor any amendment or addition to these Terms & Conditions, will apply unless agreed by upon in writing.

Participating in Frequency of Love

Upon arrival and before starting the Frequency of Love Retreat, you will need to complete and sign our Declaration and Consent Agreement. This form confirms that the information you provided is current and accurate. You must complete and sign this form before the retreat begins to attend. If there have been any significant changes in your personal or therapeutic situation that might affect your participation, we may decide you cannot attend. Also, if we don’t receive your pre-process paperwork, including the signed Terms & Conditions, in time before the course starts, your place may be suspended.

Given the ongoing impact of Covid-19, Frequency of Love is taking all necessary steps to ensure safety. Participants and staff must comply with all safety measures. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge and accept the risk of illness, including Covid-19, during the course. Despite our best efforts, exposure to Covid-19 is still possible, and your participation includes this risk.

Confidentiality & Proprietary Material

You understand that the Frequency of Love program and its materials are private and owned by Frequency of Love. These materials are protected by copyright and are meant only for personal use in the program. You agree to keep all participant information and program details confidential and not to share or use any part of the materials without written permission. You also agree not to reproduce, resell, or use the materials for any other purpose outside the Frequency of Love program.

Additionally, you agree to respect the confidentiality and privacy of all participants and staff. Photography, video, and audio recording are not allowed during the program.

Ground Rules

These rules are designed to ensure your safety and help you and other participants get the most out of the Frequency of Love Retreat.

  • Substance Use: The use of drugs, alcohol, and other mood-altering substances (whether legal or illegal) is strictly prohibited during the retreat. If you are on prescribed medication, please inform us before the course starts and continue taking it as directed by your doctor.

  • Communication: Outside contact is restricted unless pre-approved or due to urgent medical needs. This includes phone calls, texting, and internet use. You may need to surrender your mobile phone and other devices upon arrival, which will be securely stored and returned on the final day. You will be provided with a contact number for urgent communications.

  • Accommodations: Lodging will be shared and assigned based on gender.

  • Wellbeing: You are responsible for your own health, including getting enough food, sleep, and taking any prescribed medication. If you experience discomfort please inform a staff member immediately to receive support. Records of any advice or treatment will be kept.

  • Participation: To fully benefit from the retreat we encourage you to participate in every activity.


No warranties of any kind or nature are given by Frequency of Love.

Disclaimer, Release, and Indemnity

Disclaimer of Liability: Frequency of Love Retreat and its team, including Process leaders, facilitators, staff, employees, organisers, and agents (collectively referred to as "Releasees"), disclaim all responsibility for any illness, injury, death, property loss, or damage that you may experience, whether directly or indirectly, during your participation in the retreat. This disclaimer applies to claims arising from negligence, breach of contract, breach of duty, or statutory duty, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

Nature of the Retreat: You understand that the Frequency of Love Retreat involves intensive personal exploration and some vigorous, expressive activities. The Retreat is educational and transformational and is not intended as therapy or healthcare. As such, it does not adhere to legal standards or requirements applicable to therapy or healthcare. You are responsible for participating only to the extent that you are physically capable without risking injury. By participating, you assume all risks of injury, illness, death, or property damage, and acknowledge that we do not provide health insurance coverage.

Health and Participation: You confirm that you are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to participate in the Retreat. If you experience a condition or event during the Retreat that, in the sole discretion of the Retreat leaders, makes it inappropriate for you to continue, you agree to follow their advice and exit the Retreat promptly.

Release of Liability: You release the Releasees from any liability or claims related to illness, injury, death, property loss, or damage that may arise from your participation in the Retreat or presence on the premises, to the extent permitted by law.

Indemnity: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any claims or actions arising from your intentional acts, negligence, or breach of duty that result in illness, injury, death, property loss, or damage to other parties, including but not limited to the owner or operator of the program facilities. This indemnity covers any damage caused by you to the property of others.

Binding Effect: This release, waiver, and indemnity apply to your heirs, executors, personal representatives, and assigns.

Breach of Terms: You agree to indemnify the Releasees for any costs or liabilities arising from a breach of these Terms & Conditions, including but not limited to the "Confidentiality - Proprietary/Confidential Material" clause, to the extent permitted by law.

Booking Terms: Fees/Charges

Prices quoted by us indicate the cost of accommodation, tuition, meals and all course materials. No refund will be made if you do not fully participate in this, for example if you do not attend all workshops/meals.

Booking Terms: Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation Process: All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to hello@jessigalvin.com

Cancellation More Than 6 Weeks Before the Retreat:
If you cancel more than 6 weeks prior to the start of the retreat, you will receive a refund of your payment, minus a £150 administrative fee (or the equivalent in local currency). This fee covers administrative costs and bank transfer fees.

Cancellation Between 2 and 6 Weeks Before the Retreat:
If you cancel between 2 and 6 weeks before the course begins, 50% of the full retreat fee will be retained. The remaining 50% will be refunded.

Cancellation Within 2 Weeks of the Retreat:
If you cancel within 2 weeks of the retreat start date, do not attend the first session, or withdraw after the first session has begun, no part of the fee will be refunded.

Pregnancy Policy: Pregnant women are not permitted to attend the Frequency of Love retreat. If you become pregnant after registration and payment, you may transfer your payment to a future course in the same country at no extra cost.

Violation of Terms: If you are asked to leave the retreat due to a breach of these Terms & Conditions or the Process Ground Rules, no portion of the course fee will be refunded.

Participation Commitment: The Frequency of Love Retreat is an intensive program where your success depends on full participation throughout the course. Adhering to the rules, conditions, and instructions is crucial for your experience and wellbeing. To gain the full benefit, you must participate in all stages. Should you need to leave the group during the retreat, you agree to consult with a facilitator before doing so.

Booking Terms: Policy for Changing Retreat Date

If you suffer from sudden ill health, or recent bereavement, and need to change the course date, please contact the lead facilitator at hello@jessigalvin.com immediately in writing.

Booking Terms: Deposit Payment

By transferring your deposit, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined above. Payments can be made via bank transfer or debit/credit card. Bank details will be provided at the time of booking. A £350 deposit is required to secure your place. Monthly payment plans can be discussed and arranged upon request. If you prefer, payments can also be made in EUR, with the current exchange rate confirmed at the time of booking.

For deposits paid, the remaining balance is due 6 weeks before the retreat start date. If the final payment is not received by this deadline, Frequency of Love Retreat reserves the right to cancel your reservation, make your spot available to others, and your deposit will be forfeited. If you anticipate any issues with making the payment on time, please contact us via email at hello@jessigalvin.com

Cancellations and Changes to Courses by Frequency of Love

Frequency of Love Retreat will strive to deliver the program as planned. However, we reserve the right to modify or cancel the venue or date of a course due to circumstances beyond our control. In the rare event that a retreat is canceled, you may choose to transfer your registration to a different retreat or receive a full refund, minus any administrative fees. Our responsibility will be limited to providing this refund. Frequency of Love Retreat will not be liable for any other direct or indirect losses, costs, or expenses, including travel-related expenses. We recommend purchasing travel insurance and/or refundable or transferable tickets for your trip.

Law and Jurisdiction Applicable

These Terms & Conditions, and all other parts of the contract between you and the Frequency of Love Retreat are governed by the law of the United Kingdom. Exclusive jurisdiction over any action or claim arising out of or in any way related to the Agreement to participate and participation in the FOL shall be in the Courts of the United Kingdom nearest the offices of Frequency of Love Retreat.

All Provisions Negotiable and Accepted

All of the Terms and Conditions stated above are subject to negotiation and discussion. By clicking the box below you acknowledge and agree to these Term or Condition, the participant waives any and all objections to such Terms and Conditions, and accepts all of the Terms and Conditions as stated.

Severable Terms

If any provision(s) of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unenforceable, all the remaining Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

Photography and Media

The Retreat may be photographed or recorded for promotional purposes. By attending, you consent to being included in such media. If you prefer not to be photographed or recorded, please inform the organisers prior to the retreat.

Belongings Insurance

Participants are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of their personal belongings during the retreat. Frequency of Love Retreat are not liable for any loss, theft, or damage to personal items. We strongly recommend that you obtain adequate insurance coverage for your belongings.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between you and us. This Agreement shall supersede any prior promises, agreements, representations, undertakings or implications whether made orally or in writing between you and us relating to the subject matter of this agreement.


This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing, signed by the parties.

By checking the box below, I agree and confirm:1) that I have read and understand the above Terms & Conditions and understand and accept them as legally binding; 2) that all my answers and other information included in the Application, Medical Information Form and Questionnaire which I am submitting to attend Frequency of Love Retreat were true and complete when given and remain true, correct and complete at the date my signature is given, and; 3) that I did not omit anything relevant from any response or statement. I agree to notify FOL immediately if any of my answers change, and verify this signature to be legally binding.

I acknowledge that a legally binding agreement, including all stated terms and conditions, is formed when Frequency of Love Retreat accepts my application, following the interview process.

No Signature by Frequency of Love Retreat of these Terms and Conditions is Required.

No signature or execution by Frequency of Love Retreat of these Terms and Conditions is required for them to be effective and part of our agreement. Following execution of the Terms & Conditions by you, the participant, our agreement to these Terms and Conditions is finalised by your execution thereof, and your being considered for acceptance into the Frequency of Love. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is required from all participants, and said Terms and Conditions are accepted by POL Global Foundation Limited without execution of this Terms and Conditions form by Frequency of Love Retreat.