Life Changing Personal Growth & Manifestation Retreats

Frequency of Love Retreat is a life changing personal development immersion for those who want to live with authenticity, deep connection and joy.

 You are invited into the Frequency of Love

  • The Frequency of Love Retreat is a five night self love immersion to help you return home to yourself.

    It is a portal to support you in stepping into the next phase of your life - from whatever place you are in right now.

    In 2013 after struggling with depression, anxiety, Jessi experienced a profound bliss during a Yoga class. In that moment she felt her entire life change. She began practicing Yoga every day, to try and make sense of the shift she had felt.

    After a year of rigorous practice she spontaneously quit her successful career in events and bought a one way plane ticket to India. This trip was the beginning of life long journey to understand and embody healing and self love.

    A decade later, Jessi and her husband Jefton (who she met on a beach in India) bring to you Frequency of Love - an immersion in healing and self love. A combination of everything they have studied, experienced and offered through their different spiritual paths.

    Jessi guides a daily movement practice to support you in physically releasing trauma, tension and stress from your body, bringing you into powerful connection with your body, your emotions and your energy field. Throughout the retreat Jessi and Jefton will be leading transformational workshops to help you release limiting beliefs and energetic blocks and step into creator consciousness as the powerful manifester you came here to be.

    This retreat is a unique experience where you will find soulful humans, deep connection, playfulness, self inquiry and joy in equal measure and guaranteed to be like nothing you will have experienced before.

    Each offering is loving space to support you in authentic expression, self inquiry and connecting with your creativity and joy.

    You can expect to leave this experience feeling connected to your wisdom, activated in your light and grounded in your power.

  • When we speak about the ‘frequency’ of love we aren’t talking about romantic love. We are pointing to a deeper love. The state of who you truly are.

    Accessing this state reminds us of the healing power of full acceptance of the present moment as we move out of fear states, especially during the times when you don’t feel like it, as you walk through your shadows and triggers.

    Each person has a different path to love. For some it’s compassion, for others it’s accessing creativity or bliss or beauty.

    This retreat is an opportunity for you to explore what the frequency of love is for you. To get to know your fear states and to consciously shift your frequency into love. We explore what it feels like to offer love to yourself at all times, and to notice how your life transforms as you live from this place.

    Love is the power behind you when you speak your truth and share your needs and desires from your heart. It’s the gentle force that reminds you that you are the powerful creator of your reality and that you are worthy of love.

    It is an embodied knowing that you don’t need to DO anything to be worthy of love - because your Essence is love. 

    This is where we journey together.

  • This retreat is for the deep thinkers, the soul seekers, the creatives, the ones who wear their heart on their sleeves, for those craving depth and presence in their life.

    This retreat is for people seeking support as they move through difficult phases of life, as much as it is for people who are thriving who want to explore more.

    The requirement for entering the Frequency of Love is that you are ready to live with authenticity (even though it feels scary) and are willing to explore your shadows and triggers to step boldly into the next phase of your life.

    This retreat has the power to transform you life and propel you into a life of full-bodied self expression.

    We will ask you to drop the masks and the stories and in return we will teach you the power of your own presence and the how magical life gets to be when you live from a place of love inside yourself.

    This retreat is an immersive experience and using Yoga, energy healing, sound healing and ceremony to bring about profound and lasting transformation.

    The Frequency of Love Retreat is a journey back home to the love within you. It is a remembering of how to love and accept yourself, exactly as you are.  And to step boldly into your light and share it with the world. 

    This is where the magic happens.

  • The days begin slowly with some silent time to listen to the birds, watch the sun rise, walk barefoot through the grounds.

    We then move into a morning movement/Yoga practice to detoxify and energise the body followed by a delicious brunch leaving you feeling fresh and clear headed.

    After some unwinding in the sunshine we enter into a ceremonial space where you bathe in the aromas of frankense and sage, recline over a bolster, explore your inner world as we explore our deepest desires and what's in the way of receiving them.

    A hearty and grounding al fresco dinner follows before we gather around the fire for evenings under the stars. 

  • 07:00 - 08:00 Silent mornings

    08:00 - 09:30 Morning movement Yoga practice 

    09:30 - 11:00 Free time / treatments

    11:00 - 14:00 Brunch

    14:00 - 17:00 Ceremony & workshops

    17:00 - 19:00 Free time / integration 

    19:00 - 20:30 Dinner

    20:30 - 22:30 Free time

100% of participants feel more connected to themselves and able to be authentic following the retreat


After experiencing the Frequency of Love Retreat people report feeling deeply connected, authentic, empowered, joyful and loving.

Frequency of Love Retreat includes

  • A one-to-one call pre retreat

  • 5 day immersion into the Frequency of Love workshop

  • Welcome gifts to support your experience

  • Morning Yoga / somatic movement practice

  • Mayan Ceremonial Cacao

  • Daily workshops (every afternoon 2 - 5pm)

  • Sound Journeys and Kirtan

  • A one-to-one integration call within the first month post retreat

  • Integration materials for continued development

  • 1 group GoogleMeet follow-up sessions within the first 6 weeks post retreat

  • 5 nights accommodation with gluten free, brunch and dinner

  • A community of likeminded humans

Pricing & Accommodation

Twin room (shared bathroom)

Boutique dorm (shared bathroom)

Rates are per person and include all classes, workshops, housekeeping and catering.

  • Frequency of Love helped me do deep inner work in new ways that I have not experienced before. These new experiences were like fresh eyes on how to align with my self, connect to a more authentic way of being, and feel/experience freedom in a healthy way.

    Dr Laura Imola

  • I don’t know how to describe this experience other than it was life changing. Well and truly life changing.

    Marly Klein

  • This was one of the best experiences of my life. I felt incredibly confident coming away from the retreat and have continued to use my voice in ways I could have only dreamed of before the retreat. Regaining that personal power has been utterly transformative.

    Az Franco

  • I can’t describe how it’s impacted my life, I had the most amazing, challenging, beautiful few days of my life. I felt connected to my old self and rediscovered things about me that I had forgotten. I felt truly excepted and loved, and I have never been in a space like that with strangers that I just met. I love them all so much and I connected with myself so unexpectedly.

    Sinead Jerromes

  • I felt very lost in the months leading up to the retreat and the time at the retreat helped me to reconnect with my personal power. I think a combination of the workshop and the nature around magically realigned me! I feel like when you go to a chiropractor that realigns you physically, equally the FOL retreat realigned me spiritually.

    Marta Ferrari

  • After Frequency of Love I know myself, and I see her more and more these days since finding myself in community. I feel blessed to have this experience in my memory and it’s changing the trajectory of my life for the best.

    Izzy Adams

  • Frequency of Love taught me a lot about myself, opened me up to being more flexible, knowing my higher self better, what types of scenarios I am most and least comfortable in, encouraging self care and spiritual growth as well as (most importantly) finding my life task/purpose.

    Biba Rey

Further information

  • A £350 deposit is required to secure your booking.

    Please note, deposits are non-refundable unless we find someone to fill your spot on the retreat.

  • The Shanti Space in Ericeira, Portugal and is a 30 minute drive North from Lisbon airport.

    Address: Quinta dos Lobos, Estr. da Tapada no 1360, 2665-418 Mafra, Portugal

    Check in 4pm
    Check out 11am

    Flights and airport transfers aren't included but we can help you organise transfers from Lisbon airport to our retreat home. You will also be looped into a thread with other retreat guests to organise taxi shares should you wish.

  • We have payment plans available to spread out the cost of your retreat.

    If you would like to attend this retreat but have financial concerns please complete the booking form below and we can discuss your situation.

  • Please make sure you read and sign our Terms & Conditions carefully before booking.

  • To join a Frequency of Love Retreat please complete the application form below. You will then be invited to a video call to access if this is the right experience for you. Once you have been accepted a deposit is required to secure your space.

For any questions please email us.

Please note: This retreat is not a substitute for medical or psychological care provided by your healthcare provider. We recommend consulting your GP or healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about your health before participating in the retreat.

Our Facilitators

  • Jessi has been working as a facilitator in the field of personal development and spirituality for over 10 years.

    In 2014 she found herself burnout and disconnected from her life whilst addicted to valium. After some painful realisations she boarded a one-way flight to India to discover how to love herself.

    Jessi is a Certified Mayan Cacao Facilitator, E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master and is currently under the mentorship program of Dr Gabor Mate MD and Dr Sat Dharam in Compassionate Inquiry™ which now underpins all of her work in the healing space.

    Jessi is committed to holding the frequencies of love and compassion for everyone she works with, empowering them to reconnect with what is important to them and how to trust their inner wisdom.

  • Jefton is an award winning Creative Director, sound journey facilitator, artist and musician supporting people in activating their creative gifts.

    His workshops blend his 17 years experience in top creative agencies with Esoteric philosophy, modern magic, symbology and sound to guide you to a life of full expression and abundance accessing your unique creative genius into the world.

What to expect

Frequency of Love Retreat provides an experiential platform for developing and maintaining loving connection with ourselves and others

The benefits include:

  • The ability to relate to yourself and others in an authentic and loving way

  • A reduction in stress, anxiety, worry and fear and trust in your ability to heal and connect to the true self

  • The confidence to speak your truth and express from your heart

  • An increase in your ability to feel, express and process emotions in a healthy way

  • An activation of your voice and your personal power

  • An understanding of what you desire in life and a renewed sense of passion, life purpose and value.

  • Connection with your spiritual Essence and a recognition of our interconnected relationship with the Earth and the Spiritual realms

  • A expanded sense of knowing, trust and calm that translates directly into your daily life

  • A renewed sense of love for yourself, your community, your planet and your life path